Saturday, April 30, 2011

Makalia River Hits Rock Bottom

The Makalia River rises in the Eastern Mau escarpment and flows east, and then north, into the southern end of Lake Nakuru. It is a key water source, together with Rivers Njoro and Nderit that drain into the lake from the Mau. En route, it drops into the Lake Nakuru basin via the scenic Makalia Falls, a popular tourist site in the Lake Nakuru National Park. The permanent flows of the river have traditionally guaranteed a great viewing experience for visitors, with the roaring falls providing accompaniment to birdsong, the bark of baboons and other wildlife sounds.

But dark clouds of uncertainty hang over the future of the Makalia River. In recent years, it has dried up on various occasions, as a visit to the falls over Easter 2011 revealed.

Waterfall - no more
Downstream - dry river bed
It is clear that efforts to rehabilitate the Mau need to be stepped up, urgently, to protect the river and the Lake that depends on it...

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