Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Nairobi National Park - 21 February 2010

A lazy Sunday game drive in yielded something i've been looking forward to for many years - my first sighting of the majestic Martial Eagle. This magnificent raptor is Africa's largest eagle. Now quite rare, it was acknowledged by our forefathers as a fearsome predator, capable of swooping down and snatching up poultry and small livestock.

Immature Eagle - lighter colour than adult
Whenever i'd hear friends talk about their own Martial sightings, I would have to be contented with merely looking at bird books. However, as the saying goes, it never rains but it pours: this time i had the chance to view the bird at leisure, as it cavorted on a fallen acacia branch. Its sheer size, large staring eyes, hooked beak and wickedly sharp talons clearly justify its exalted status among raptors.

Massive lift-off
As an avid birdwatcher, this was a truly memorable treat.

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